How Schools Can Help In This Project

Saving Yellow Birdwings from disappearing further requires viable locations for propogating the butterfly host plants in order to maintain the yellow birdwing population, as well as the necessary care and maintenance of the butterfly host plants and flowering plants. Schools and educational institutions are encouraged to help in conserving the yellow birdwing butterflies by maintaining a yellow birdwing butterfly garden within their school compounds as well as creating public awareness of the yellow birdwing and its status in Penang.

Assessing The Viability & Level of Commitment

Schools who are committed enough and with reasonable compound space will be able to adopt this project, as a mini butterlfy garden is needed to establish a small population of yellow birdwings. Thereafter, a butterfly garden which is a living garden also needs to special attention and daily care in ensuring the survival of both plants and butterflies within the butterfly garden.

Under usual conditions, a working project committee (usually consisting of science or biology teachers) is required to be formed in order to adhere to the needs of this butterfly conservation project. Students and even parents of students who have passion in nature or butterflies can be enrolled to help out on this project as volunteers. Other secondary options for a school to take part or contribute further in this project can include the help and commitment of the members of their Science Club or Biology Club.

The Benefits

Participating schools will have a first-hand experience of at least maintaining a mini butterfly garden as well as watching the butterflies in their various life-cycle stages. This in our experience, besides theoretical learning, is one of the most conducive assisted learning tool in promoting nature awareness and advocating conservation among the younger generation. Not only students and teachers can participate in actual butterfly conservation, but parents and the general public can be reached more easily in educating them of the importance of conservation and sustainable living. Such type of education is important for the young especially now that people have learnt about how fragile our environment is and how nature can play its role in creating harmony among all living beings.


Are you someone who is interested in adopting this butterfly conservation project in your school? Please write-in or email your enquiry to